A downloadable game

This is a Unity game that I have been using to learn and improve my knowledge of C#. 

There isn't a way to quit yet so will have to press (Alt + F4) with the game window selected. 

Please enjoy but understand it is still in the prototype phase and is incomplete!! 

When you reach the 4th dungeon you have reached the furthest point so far.

This is a know bug list, please comment any more you find:

- Mana fountain keeps firing off when you leave fountain

- player cannot die ( if you want to challenge yourself, restart the game when your health is 0)

- Game Needs Balancing

- Magic has not been implemented

- Audio has not been implemented

- Pause has not been implemented

- When stats max out, stuff breaks

- Validation have not yet been implemented 


DungeonGame.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

After Downloading the .Zip file extract it to a new folder and double click the application file called Dungeon

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